Well lucky for you if you're reading this (unlucky if you're a theoretical physicist in CERN reading my blog{highly unlikely}) dark matter hasn't been proved to exist. Now you might ask me "why am I lucky?". Well you're lucky because if dark matter was proved to exist it would be a MASSIVE breakthrough in the field of physics. Dark matter is probably one of the most sough after discoveries in the world now and a the person who discovers it is guaranteed a Nobel Prize in Physics for sure.

Another common thing is associating dark energy with dark matter. Dark energy is also hypothetical but many discoveries have shown that it must be there too.
Now here's a reason why dark matter should exist. Our universe exists sort of like a huge carousel with the stars rotating around like a ponies. In the middle it's suspected to be a black hole. Now this carousel picture isn't fitting the mathematics. According to mathematics the stars should have been flung off from the carousel by now. Reality as we know it is different. Our universe is stable(for now and is bound to change any second) and we see no stars flying off. Scientists explanation for this is .............(drumroll) DARK MATTER.

A second observation, which dark matter is used to explain is the fact that we are existing now. Observations of the cosmic background radiation, the "afterglow" of the big bang fireball, show that matter in the beginning was spread very evenly throughout space. Dense regions, having stronger gravity than their surroundings, dragged in matter and became ever denser. But this process is too slow to build a galaxy as big as the Milky Way. To explain our existence it is necessary to postulate a large amount of Dark matter whose extra gravity greatly speeded up galaxy formation.
Another common thing is associating dark energy with dark matter. Dark energy is also hypothetical but many discoveries have shown that it must be there too.
Now here's a reason why dark matter should exist. Our universe exists sort of like a huge carousel with the stars rotating around like a ponies. In the middle it's suspected to be a black hole. Now this carousel picture isn't fitting the mathematics. According to mathematics the stars should have been flung off from the carousel by now. Reality as we know it is different. Our universe is stable(for now and is bound to change any second) and we see no stars flying off. Scientists explanation for this is .............(drumroll) DARK MATTER.
A second observation, which dark matter is used to explain is the fact that we are existing now. Observations of the cosmic background radiation, the "afterglow" of the big bang fireball, show that matter in the beginning was spread very evenly throughout space. Dense regions, having stronger gravity than their surroundings, dragged in matter and became ever denser. But this process is too slow to build a galaxy as big as the Milky Way. To explain our existence it is necessary to postulate a large amount of Dark matter whose extra gravity greatly speeded up galaxy formation.
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